Celebrating Service to Others
The Rotary Club of Dunedin is proud of the work we have done in our local community as well as the world community since we were chartered in 1947.
During the past ten years, the Rotary Club of Dunedin has donated more than $300,000 to a variety of local organizations. Our members have also been generous to the Rotary International Foundation.
The two largest local recipients are scholarships for Dunedin High School students and the Rotary Centennial Nature Center at Honeymoon Island State Park.
Belize Orphanage and Belize Hope
Big Brothers Big Sisters of Tampa Bay
Chi Chi Rodriguez Youth Foundation
Clothes to Kids
Dunedin Cares
Dunedin Fine Art Center
Dunedin High School Wrestling Booster Club
Dunedin Highland Games
Dunedin Historical Society
Dunedin Library Playground
Dunedin Little League
Dunedin Youth Sailing
Eckerd Raising Hope
Florida Sheriff’s Youth Ranch
Friends of the Island Parks
Guardian Ad Litem Foundation of Tampa Bay
Heifer International
House of Mercy and Encouragement
Humane Society of Pinellas
Inner Wheel USA Foundation
Lighthouse of Pinellas
Literacy Council of Upper Pinellas
Morton Plant Mease Foundation
National Armed Service and Law Enforcement Museum
Random Acts of Flowers
Reading programs in Dunedin Public Schools
Rotary International Foundation
Rotary Park on the Dunedin Causeway
Shelter Box, Rotary Camp of Florida